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ALR Public Hearing Protection of our Federal Land

Yes, such a positive indication of support for the protection of the Federal Land for continued agricultural use. 

I did note some misinformation about the sale of the 5 properties that make up the land. The Federal government is moving through the process of disposal, but this will not necessarily result in selling the land as other government agencies or institutions may wish to opt for its use. 


The expected ALC recommendation that these lands should be placed in the ALR will require the endorsement of the Federal Government and that will likely be coupled with the identity of the future custodial agency or agencies. I do see some risk to agricultural use if portions of the land come under differing use.


In March, a Federal report that will determine if there are species at risk on the land is expected. The report will affect decisions about future use. This and consideration of Indigenous wishes has delayed progress in completing the inventory of institutional interest. Ref.




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-------- Original message --------

From: Rod Hull <>

Date: 2023-01-24 10:31 AM (GMT-08:00)

To: Tristin Bouwman <>, Tyler Heppell <>, Wes Heppell <>,, Nigel Bell <>, Sarah Dennis <>

Cc: "rod hull [new]" <>

Subject: ALR Public Hearing Protection of our Federal Land


Thank you all for your work to save our Federal Land!


It was a very positive Agricultural Land Commission Public Hearing at Kwantlen Langley last night.


Packed house with many politicians, educated experts and citizens passionate to save this productive farmland and forest habitat. Attached is picture with Tristan’s presentation- well done!


I recall Commission said they had 380 written submissions with 377 in support of inclusion in ALR. Three were questioning the process (I assume as is Federal jurisdiction and concerns of first nation consultation). 


It was very encouraging. We are very fortunate to live here in Canada. 

Tristan, Tyler, Grandpa Heppel, and the Bose boys all gave incredible convincing, meaningful and heartfelt submissions of support.


I am concerned for next steps:

  1.  Potential the five separate plots are sold and developed as Millionaires Estates. Would the Federal Government protect site as the Rouge Park; I have not heard any support for this (which has potential for long term lease to Heppels).

  2. How best to protect the Forest Habitat and link to other GIN Green corridors?

  3. What is Federal Government’s strategy? I’m concerned by some of John Aldag’s words of “consultation process”.

  4. Can the Federal Government block inclusion into ALR?

  5. What is City of Surreys position?

  6. What are our next steps?


Rod Hull

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